![- (4).jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/596fecae6f4ca3a5af155568/1692282904196-IAPXUA9T0OU6HE119O7I/-+%284%29.jpg)
![- (4).jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/596fecae6f4ca3a5af155568/1692282904196-IAPXUA9T0OU6HE119O7I/-+%284%29.jpg)
By Christian Koehlert
Color: Pearl white
Size: 34 - 38 *view size chart
Cene veljajo za najem produkta, izjema pa so izdelki, ki so na razprodaji. Možen je tudi nakup. /
The prices are valid for the rental of the product, except for the products that are on sale.
It is also possible to purchase a product.
Cena pomerjanja v našem salonu znaša za 1 uro 10.00€, 2 uri ali več 20.00€ /
The price of a trying in our salon for an hour is 10.00 €, 2 hours or more 20,00€
Za več informacij ali za pomerjanje, nas lahko kontaktirate preko obrazca spodaj. /
For more information or if you’d like to book an appointment,
please feel free to contact us via the form below.
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