Frequently asked questions

  • Poglej tukaj – Nas nakupovalni proces.

  • Vsekakor se dolzina obleke spremeni, najbolje je da se preobujete v ze nosene in udobne ceveljce, kjer visina pet odstopa do 3 cm. Druga resitev, obroc oz. Krinolina (podkrilo se poveca) tako se krilo obleke dvigne.

  • Obleke se lahko prilagajajo do najvec tri stevilke, odvisno pa je tudi kaksen kroj ima obleka. Obleke z odprtim dekoltejem se lahko iz velike konf. st. v manjso ozajo bolj, kot tiste z zaprtim dekoltejem in hrbtom.

  • Dolzine kril na oblekah ponekod odrezemo, zarobimo ali pa izdelamo novo krilo, ki ga lahko nosi visja nevesta od predhodne.

  • Ni res, tudi tiste neveste, ki zaradi dojenja izgubijo oprsje ali pa so manj grajene dopolnimo oprsje z oprsnimi push-up kosaricami, katere vam naredijo oprsje, tudi ce ga nimate.

  • Pri nasih oblekah niso potrebni, ker so v vecini mocno ojacane z kostmi. V mnogih primerih modrcki poslabsajo izgled, zato jih odsvetujemo. Zenskam s tezkim oprsjem pa oblekam priredimo naramnice razlicnih izgledov.

  • Samo v kolikor se v obleki nebi vec dobro pocutili vam to priporocamo, drugace jo nosite samo enkrat v zivljenju, izkoristite jo.

  • V kolikor si obleko izposodite se mora seveda paziti nanjo. Ampak se vsaka poskodba se je lahko dala popraviti. Zato odstejemo od 10,00 eur - 150,00 eur odvisno od vrste in velikosti poskodbe. V povprecju se poskodbe oblek gibljejo okroli 30 eur, ki se placajo ob vrnitvi obleke.

  • Take a look here – Our shopping process.

  • In any case, the length of the dress changes. It is best to put on some well-worn and comfortable shoes, where the heel height is up to 3 cm. Another solution is a hoop or crinoline (the underskirt lengthens), so the skirt of the dress raises.

  • Dresses can be adjusted up to a maximum of three numbers, depending also on the style and shape of the dress. Dresses with an open décolletage can be taken in more effectively than the ones with a closed décolletage and back.

  • The skirt of the dress is sometimes shortened, hemmed in or a new one is made that can be worn by a taller bride than the previous one.

  • That is not true. Even brides that lose their breast volume due to breastfeeding or have a smaller build get their chest complemented with a strapped push-up bra, that makes your chest look fuller even if it is not.

  • Since our dresses are usually reinforced, there is no need to wear a bra. In most cases, bras make the appearance worse, so we do not recommend them. Women with a heavier chest, however, get to wear dresses with adapted straps of various looks.

  • We only recommend this if you do not feel comfortable in the dress anymore. You wear it only once in your life, take advantage of it.

  • If you rent a dress, you have to be careful with it. But so far, we were able to repair every damage. That is why we deduct around 10-150 € depending on the type and size of the damage. On average, the damage costs round up to 30,00 eur and are paid upon returning the dress



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